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Green resourceRed resource unit
Fragile (Fragile: does not heal)
At the start of your turn, gain AttackAttackAttack
Supply: 4
Cost: 12GoldGreen resourceGreen resourceGreen resourceRed resource
Build time: Build time1
Health: Health2
Attack: AttackAttackAttack
Position: Back Right

A Cynestra

Cynestra is a Green-red unit. It's a high powered, breach vulnerable Attackattacker.

Panel[ | ]


Strategy[ | ]

Cynestra is one of the most cost-efficient attacking units in the game, providing AttackAttackAttack with only 1 build time for just 12GoldGreen resourceGreen resourceGreen resourceRed resource. This is like buying 3 Gauss Cannons where the first two cost 12GoldGreen resourceGreen resource, but the third only costs Green resourceRed resource. However, Cynestra has some drawbacks. For one thing, it's big, so it can't be bought in small increments like a Tarsier can. Another is that since it costs so much Gold but only one Red resource, you might have trouble spending the second Red resource on a turn where you buy Cynestra. Finally, the Green resourceGreen resourceGreen resource cost means that to buy one each turn requires three Conduits, and it will probably be hard to find a use for that much green once you can't buy Cynestras anymore. Therefore it is often advisable to open with a single Conduit and let the green store for a while in order to produce a Cynestra or two without committing to more green than you want.

In high-economy games, the cost-related drawbacks of Cynestra are mitigated, allowing its raw efficiency to truly shine. High-economy games are therefore Cynestra's ideal arena. In low-economy games, on the other hand, it tends to be very difficult to get more than one Cynestra, and even the first one might cause you to waste both Blue resource and Red resource. Some units that help Cynestra get played in low-economy games are Flame Animus or Mobile Animus (since these get you the single Red resource you need without committing you to a second).

While Cynestra's low Fragilehealth makes it fairly vulnerable in the event of a breach, it is less so than other Red resource-based units such as Lucina Spinos and Shadowfangs.

Openings[ | ]

Player 1 has an opening from Fast Conduit. It commits to the line though.

  1. DD
  2. DC
  3. DA
  4. TT (TR vs Attack)
  5. Cynestra

Doomed Drone allows double econ gain on turns 2 and 3, and two more econ next.

Player 2 has a Turn 5 opening. It is better with granular cost units like Perforator or Doomed Drone.

  1. DD
  2. DDC
  3. DA
  4. TTDD (TTD for Tarsier next turn)
  5. Cynestra

Player 2 may also get it in turn 4, less convenient but good with green support.

  1. DD
  2. DDC
  3. CA
  4. Cynestra

Player 2 Rush (1 gold short)

  1. DD
  2. CA
  3. TT
  4. TT
  5. Cynestra

Enabled with Econ or Red support.

There's also a slow line for doubles for Player 1. It can work vs a passive opponent, having a Green sink such as Barrier.

  1. DD
  2. DD
  3. DCC
  4. DDA
  5. Cynestra
  6. Cynestra

Player 1 on a set with Centurion.

  1. DD
  2. DDE
  3. DDD
  4. DDDC
  5. DDDA
  7. Cynestra +RDE
  8. Cynestra +BB

Player 2 delayed line.

  1. DD
  2. DDE
  3. DDDC
  4. DDDB
  5. CAW (Enemy destroys your Soak with a T5 Rush)
  6. Cynestra +W (Hold a Drone against 6 Attack)
  7. Cynestra +W

Gets to 6 Attack quickly, opponent can't defend for long.

Player 2 has a Turn 4 Rush with Doomed Drone (1).

  1. DD
  2. DC1
  3. CA1
  4. Cynestra
  5. TT11 (TR1 if attacked)
  6. Cynestra (2 gold left)

Player 2 Fast Econ:

  1. DE1
  2. DDD
  3. DC11
  4. CA111
  5. Cynestra +R

Player 2 Fast Econ Defensive:

  1. DE1
  2. DDD
  3. DDC1 (C111 for econ tempo)
  4. BA11
  5. TTW11
  6. Cynestra +W

Not as efficient as setting a focused Attack, but hardly it could be pressured.

Player 1 has a Turn 4 Rush with Vivid Drone (1).

  1. C1
  2. DD
  3. A1
  4. Cynestra
  5. TT1

Player 2 may go doubles on Turn 4 with Doomed Drone (1), if opponent did not attack.

  1. DD
  2. CC1
  3. A11
  4. Cynestra
  5. Cynestra

If the Opponent set up for high Econ, this line may be executed to larger extent (TT11, Cynestra, Cynestra. Exactly enough Gold) Support to consume Red helps this.

Player 1 Vivid Drone (1) and Auric Impulse (0)

  1. C1
  2. D0
  3. A00
  4. Cynestra +T
  5. TT

Quick, efficient rush. Benefits from Perforator or Ossified Drone.

Player 1 Vivid Drone (1) and Galvani Drone (0)

  1. C1
  2. A0
  3. T0
  4. Cynestra

Efficient rush.

Player 1 Vivid Drone (1) and Doomed Drone (0)

  1. EE1
  2. D01
  3. C001
  4. AD00
  5. TTB1
  6. Cynestra +W

Econ rush.

Higher econ Cynestra for Player 2 (Doomed Wall: 2).

  1. DD
  2. DDE
  3. DDDE
  4. DDDDC
  5. DDDDA
  6. TTDDDB (C instead of DD for more Attack)
  7. Cynestra +T2 (2Gold left)

This allows a Cynestra, Doomed Wall and TE every turn, though it needs added Conduits to do so.

Player 2 Doomed Drone (1) rush in set with strong Defense and a Green sink.

  1. DE1
  2. DDD
  3. DDEE1
  4. DDDDD
  5. DDCC111
  6. CCA11111
  7. Cynestra x2 (5 left)

Player 1 Thorium Dynamo (1)

  1. DD
  2. D1
  3. DD
  4. DCA
  5. TTCD click 1
  6. Cynestra +R

Slow but efficient.

Player 1 Thorium Dynamo (1) rush

  1. DD
  2. D1
  3. A
  4. TCD
  5. Cynestra

Fast and efficient.

Player 2 Thorium Dynamo rush (1)

  1. DD
  2. C1
  3. A
  4. Cynestra
  5. TRE
  6. TRF...

Gains some efficient pressure.

Player 2 Thorium Dynamo (1) and Doomed Drone (0) rush.

  1. 01
  2. 1
  3. A
  4. Cynestra
  5. TT0
  6. Cynestra

A quick 3-unit combo.

Player 2 Thorium Dynamo (1) and Mobile Animus (2) rush.

  1. DD
  2. C1
  3. D2
  4. Cynestra
  5. RDEE
  6. Cynestra
  7. Cynestra (click 2)

Allows 3 Cynestra quickly, defends.

Player 1 line with Thorium Dynamo (1) and Auric Impulse (0).

  1. DD
  2. D1
  3. DD
  4. CD1
  5. A00
  6. 2x Cynestra
  7. Cynestra +T

For a high econ set with sustainable Soak.

Player 2 line with Thorium Dynamo (1) and Auric Impulse (0).

  1. DD
  2. 11
  3. D
  4. A01
  5. TT00
  6. 2x Cynestra

Might be ok for an otherwise very defensive set.

Player 2 Thorium Dynamo (1) and Galvani Drone (0).

  1. 01
  2. A
  3. TT0
  4. TTE
  5. Cynestra (1R left)

Strong back-up attack.

Player 2 Thorium Dynamo (1) and Feral Warden (2)

  1. DD
  2. 11
  3. D
  4. DDA (Likely DEA. Floats 2)
  5. Cynestra +2 (Defends against 4)

Player 1 Turn 4 Rush with Vivid Drone (1) and Mobile Animus (2).

  1. C1
  2. 12
  3. T1 (Float 3GG)
  4. Cynestra
  5. TD click 1

Floats a lot but has 4 Attack by Turn 4, no Drones. A simple RR rush can exploit this.

Player 2 rush with Vivid Drone (1)

  1. EE1
  2. CD1
  3. A11
  4. TTD
  5. Cynestra (2R left)

With Vivid and Galvani Drone (0)

  1. C1
  2. A00
  3. TT (Float 3)
  4. Cynestra

Player 2 Doomed Drone (1) and Electrovore (2) rush.

  1. E11
  2. C111
  3. A111
  4. R112
  5. Cynestra +2
  6. RTD

Player 2 Auric Impulse (1)

  1. 11
  2. CA11
  3. TT11
  4. TR11
  5. Cynestra +T

Efficient rush with fast ramp.

Player 1 Mobile Animus (1) and Auric Impulse (0) heavy rush.

  1. D0
  2. CC0
  3. 001
  4. Cynestra +0
  5. Cynestra
  6. 00 (May spend up to 3R for next Cynestra, but none for a double)
  7. Cynestra +0
  8. Cynestra

One of the strongest rushes. Needs little extra support. Faster version for Rush set:

  1. 00
  2. C001
  3. CT00
  4. Cynestra +click 1

Gains 5 Attack with immediate Absorb ability.

Player 2 counter Rush:

  1. CD
  2. 01
  3. TE00
  4. Cynestra +E click 1
  5. BFE...

Player 2 Gaussite Symbiote (1) and Auric Impulse (0)

  1. 00
  2. CA00
  3. 001
  4. Cynestra +T

Fast rush, combo into Burst attack.

Player 1 Flame Animus (1) and Urban Sentry (2) line

  1. DD
  2. DB
  3. D1
  4. CCD (Wastes B)
  5. R2
  6. Cynestra (Wastes B)

Gains strong Attack and Defense.

Player 2 Flame Animus (1) and Urban Sentry (2) rush

  1. DC
  2. DB
  3. D1
  4. DD2
  5. Cynestra (Waste B)

Gains the first strong Attack and Defense.

Player 2 Mobile Animus (1) and Mahar Rectifier (2) line.

  1. DD
  2. DDC
  3. DC1
  4. Cynestra
  5. 2
  6. 2 click 1
  7. 2

Player 2 Fission Turret (1) rush.

  1. DC
  2. D1
  3. DA
  4. TT
  5. Cynestra

Player 1 Chrono Filter (1) and Synthesizer (2) rush.

  1. DD
  2. D1
  3. T2
  4. (Float 9GG)
  5. Cynestra +W

Requires either Green or Blue synergy.

Player 2 Chrono Filter (1) and Synthesizer (2) rush.

  1. DD
  2. DD1
  3. T2
  4. DD (Float 6GG)
  5. Cynestra +W (2G left)

Needs some of either Green or Blue synergy.

Player 2 Ferritin Sac (1) and Synthetizer (2) slow line.

  1. DD
  2. DA
  3. TDD1
  4. TDD1
  5. DC112
  6. Cynestra +W

Needs some sink for Green.

Player 1 Ferritin Sac (1) rush.

  1. DD
  2. DC
  3. DA
  4. TDD1
  5. Cynestra
  6. TTW

Player 1 Blood Phage (1) line.

  1. DD
  2. A
  3. T1
  4. CT (Wastes R)
  5. CT click 1
  6. Cynestra click 1

Early attack rush, use if opponent would try Econ or Defence instead of immediate Pressure.

Player 1 Perforator (1) rush.

  1. DD
  2. A
  3. 11C
  4. C (Float 4)
  5. Cynestra
  6. RD

Needs some Econ or Defense for Green. Attack type combos help to threaten instead.

Player 1 Ossified Drone (1) rush

  1. DD
  2. A
  3. CT1
  4. TD click 1
  5. TD click 1
  6. Cynestra

Rush with great defense.

Player 1 Xaetron

  1. DD
  2. DD
  3. DCC
  4. DDC
  5. Xaetron +D
  6. DDA
  7. Cynestra +RF, etc

The Xaetron provides a huge defense.

Player 1 Xaetron and Mobile Animus (1)

  1. DD
  2. DD
  3. DCC
  4. DDC
  5. Xaetron +1
  6. Cynestra
  7. Cynestra
  8. Cynestra

The Xaetron provides defense for 3 quick Cynestra.

Player 2 Xaetron and Mobile Animus (1)

  1. DD
  2. DDC
  3. DC1
  4. Cynestra
  5. TC
  6. Xaetron +R
  7. Cynestra
  8. Cynestra

Puts the Pressure first, may Absorb normally, then enables some Cynestra.

Player 2 Xaetron and Doomed Drone (1)

  1. DE1
  2. DDD
  3. CC11
  4. CA11
  5. Xaetron +T
  6. Cynestra +T
  7. Cynestra +1
  8. Cynestra

Has strong Defense and Econ, enabling some rapid Cynestra.

Player 2 double with Thorium Dynamo (1)

  1. DD
  2. 11
  3. D
  4. ADD
  5. Cynestra (6GR left)
  6. Cynestra +R

If the opponent didn't rush, this line is great.

Player 1 Mobile Animus (1) float rush

  1. DD
  2. CC
  3. 1
  4. Cynestra
  5. T
  6. Cynestra

Requires some Green value sink.

Player 2 Mobile Animus (1) float rush

  1. DC
  2. D1
  3. TD (Float 3GG)
  4. Cynestra
  5. RC
  6. Cynestra

Requires some Green value sink.

Player 2 Mobile Animus (1) and Doomed Drone (0) all in.

  1. DD
  2. CC0
  3. DD1 (001 if rushed)
  4. Cynestra
  5. Cynestra
  6. RE11 (Can defend for 4)
  7. Cynestra
  8. Cynestra

Opponent should not go Econ in the set.

Player 1 Auric Impulse (1)

  1. 11
  2. CA1
  3. TT1
  4. T11
  5. Cynestra (2 left)

A rush with 6GGRR econ.

Player 1 Centrifuge (1) and Xeno Guardian (2)

  1. DD
  2. D1
  3. DC
  4. DD (Float 6)
  5. Cynestra +T2

Priority in Attack and Defense, no Tech wasted.

Wild Drone (1) Player 2 openings. Low Econ:

  1. DE1
  2. DD1
  3. AC
  4. TTC
  5. Cynestra

High Econ:

  1. DE1
  2. DD1
  3. DC11
  4. D11A
  5. TT111E
  6. Cynestra +R

Higher Econ:

  1. DE1
  2. 111E
  3. D111
  4. D111C
  5. DDCA
  6. Cynestra +RE

Player 1 Wild Drone (1) rush.

  1. DD
  2. C11
  3. A1
  4. TT
  5. Cynestra

Efficient and has priority.

Player 1 Centrifuge (1).

  1. 1
  2. DD
  3. CD
  4. Cynestra (2BBR left)

Requires having Pixie or Auric Impulse.

Change log[ | ]

  • May 23rd, 2015
    • Cost increased from 11GoldGreen resourceGreen resourceGreen resourceRed resource to 12GoldGreen resourceGreen resourceGreen resourceRed resource.
  • December 1st, 2014
    • Added.