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Gauss Charge
Green resource unit
At the start of your turn, gain Attack, and sacrifice Gauss Charge.
Supply: 20
Cost: 1GoldGreen resource
Build time: Build time1
Health: Health1
Attack: Attack
Position: Back Right

A Gauss Charge

Gauss Charge is a Green unit. It can be built to increase Attackattack for a single turn.




Gauss Charges activate one turn after you purchase them. Therefore buying Gauss Charges does not augment your constant Attackattack, so it is mainly a source of offensive finesse. For example, if you lack Attack1 to destroy a Polywall you can buy just one Gauss Charge to do so.

While Gauss Charges themselves can't be held, both ingredients (Green resourcegreen and Goldgold) for Gauss Charges can be stored. Therefore, they can be nearly as useful as Cluster Bolt for burst damage. As a result you can gain a significant burst of Attackdamage that will help you to breach.

Gauss Charges are also produced by Venge Cannons and Gaussite Symbiotes, as well as Cluster Bolts, requiring an investment of Green resource.

Gauss Charge (1GoldGreen resource) has a similar cost to Pixie(1GoldBlue resource). However Pixie can be saved Attackattack for a later turn unlike Gauss Charge.
